
Eggs that are usually used for human consumption are: quail, hen, duck, Rhea and Ostrich, among others. (see each one). The egg has great nutrient content. It is a food rich in proteins (essential amino acids), vitamins and minerals. This is why it is advisable to include it in the balanced food diet, which is fundamental for the human organism.


When buying the eggs, make sure they are in good condition, without blows and that their shell, no matter the color, is matt, not shiny as they are usually not fresh. -A fresh egg is also characterized by its thick and solid shell, it looks translucent when put against the light. Its smell should be soft and pleasant, to “egg”. -the egg that is not fresh, when put against the light presents dark spots (air chambers). -Eggs of lower quality, are dirty, with broken, fragile, rough or deformed shell. The shell must also have no pores, because they would have been exposed to environmental pollution. In the market there are eggs in TETRA-PACK, without shell (milkshakes) and also eggs powder.


-it can be used as main course, in tortilla and in many more preparations for breakfast, or as an ingredient in both savoury and sweet dishes, contributing to the human organism considerable amounts of nutrients. (see more uses in each of the classes). Storage: Eggs can be stored at room temperature (12 °c-18 °c) in cold weather and if possible stored in a container with a suitable bottom, and placed vertically with the tip down. -If refrigerated, place in closed egg box, because they absorb odors. Or on the refrigerator door, separated from strong smells, they will have more “shelf life” and retain their freshness. -A fresh egg when splitting, the unflattened, yellow-colored, bulging bud is seen with a central position. The clear, transparent slightly yellow, firm and dense (thick, viscous) and remains collected. Its smell should be soft and pleasant, to “egg”. -When it is not fresh the yolk is flattened and the clear, thin and fluid (liquid) and extends into the container. -Another way to know the freshness of an egg is to place it in a container with salt water. If you go to the bottom is cool and the more float is less fresh, and if it reaches the surface is damaged.


  • They can freeze without shell and milkshakes with a little salt, last approximately 6 months or with sugar, last 8 months.
  • If you want you can freeze the yolks and clears separately.

Without salt or sugar can last up to 1 year. To defrost, place in refrigerator 2 hours before using. An egg equals 1 tablespoon of yolk by 2 of Clara. or 3 tablespoons of one full shake.

  • Pasteurized eggs in the box are kept refrigerated until the expiration date approximately.
  • Eggs powder: The clear and yolk are sold separately.

They can last up to a year. It should be remembered that the “useful life” of the product also depends on the freshness at the time of its purchase, of its subsequent storage and conservation. Serving: 2 medium-sized eggs (about 100 grams) are considered a portion for an adult.


Refrigerated. Temp. Environment.


1 month aprox. 10-15 days approx.


Remember that the useful “life” of the product depends on its freshness at the time of purchase, the date (approximate) of maturity and its subsequent storage and conservation. -Always handle with clean hands and utensils.

Nutrients and properties:

We take as an example a hen’s egg. It is advisable to add it to the food diet as it provides a great variety of nutrients essential to the human body. Also because you can use various cooking methods and use it in both sweet and salty preparations.


(Essential amino acids), essential for the functioning of the organism. -They are essential for cell development. -It is found in meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and some vegetables such as legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils), among others.


-By its antioxidant power protect against free radicals (causing aging). -Help prevent loss of vision, and protect us from eye diseases such as cataracts.


-to treat skin conditions. -Helps to a good functioning of the liver and to the natural purification of the organism. -Improves digestion and metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. -relieves pain caused by rheumatic diseases. -regulates blood glucose levels. -Helps brain oxygenation. -regulates the nervous system.

Folic acid.

In pregnancy: Doctors recommend 3 months before you start looking for a baby, that parents (both mom and dad) start consuming folic acid. -Helps to improve cell oxygenation. -Prevents congenital anomalies in the fetus.

Biotin. (Water-soluble vitamin).

-Also called vitamin H, vitamin B8 (or biotin) is an essential vitamin for health. -it is considered the vitamin of the beauty. -Prevents hair loss and seborrheic diseases of the scalp. -Provides greater elasticity and resistance to hair (hair). -Helps in skin hydration (eczema and dermatitis). -Strengthens nails. -Helps to the good condition of the skin. -contributes to the assimilation of folic acid and pantothenic. -Helps in the metabolism of amino acids. -Relieves muscle aches. -Fights depression and insomnia. -Helps to avoid type II Diabetes. People who follow a vegetarian diet, also low in fat and cholesterol, are common to have low levels of biotin, it is advisable to include foods that contain this vitamin or take supplements.

Vitamin A.

-It is important for the normal growth of the human body (children and adolescents). -Protects the surface of the respiratory tract (throat and bronchi. -protection for eyes and skin. -stimulates appetite and is good for digestion. -Protects against infections.

Vitamin B12.

-Intervenes in the growth of children and adolescents. Antianemic.

Vitamin D.

-For the formation of strong bones and teeth. -regulates metabolism. -Support for phosphorus and calcium absorption.


-Along with calcium forms the cover of bones and teeth. -Strengthen bones and teeth. -for the proper functioning of the brain.

Vitamin E.

-avoids the appearance of eye disorders. -Prevents clots in the blood vessels (thrombi). -Fertility aid. -Prevents premature aging. -Increases the cellular response to infections or illnesses. -Help to growth and body development in children and adolescents. -Helps the nervous system to function properly. -Antioxidant that fights the damage of the free radicals to the cells. -Improve the appearance of the skin, hair (hair) and nails.


-It is the main component of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, for that reason is fundamental for the formation of these. -Help to build blood cells. -Creates resistance against fatigue. -Helps to avoid anemia.


-It is important in the formation of gastric juices. -Strengthen the memory and functioning of the brain.


Antioxidant. -Prevents blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.


-For blood. -Helps the formation of albumin in the blood. -The nervous system.


-essential for the functioning of the nervous system. -Helps the functioning of the glands.


-Very important for the assimilation of iron and hemoglobin formation.


-It is of vital importance for the good functioning of the thyroid, which is the one that regulates the metabolism.


-Improves the skin. -Helps the growth of children and adolescents. -Accelerates the healing of wounds. -Strengthens the immune system.

Nutrients for a balanced diet.

It should be remembered that for a balanced diet, food should be consumed from the 5 groups:

  • Proteins: essential amino acids are essential for cell development.

It is found in meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and some vegetables such as legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils) among others.

  • Carbohydrates (carbohydrates): They provide energy to the organism, such as food fibre and sugars.

They are found in vegetables such as wheat, potato, plantain and some fruits, among others.

  • Lipids. Animal and vegetable fats.
  • Vitamins. Fruits and vegetables and in the vast majority of food.
  • Minerals. Fruits and vegetables and in the vast majority of food.

A balanced diet should contain: meats, fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, dairy, eggs and fats.


-periodically check the condition of the product in order to be able to consume it in time.