

The CRAYFISH, it’s a kind of shrimp. The meat that is used is that of the tail, which has a pleasant taste. Their preparations may be, whichever is used in crustaceans.

Shellfish are more delicate than fish, for this reason you have to take special care when buying them. It must be in a reliable, specialized place with suitable cooling equipment and qualified personnel, which guarantees the quality of the product.

To check the quality of seafood, we need to know that:

The most advisable are the frozen ones due to the guarantee that the “cold chain” has not been interrupted and they have been protected from dust and excessive manipulation. The best are the bulk packs i.e. in small packets of 1-2 pounds.

Its odor must be mild to seawater (iodine), never penetrating odor to ammonia. Intense, bright Color not opaque.

All shellfish can be cooked to be consumed in different preparations, whether breaded, poached or sautéed in butter or in the desired fatty medium.

When you go to buy frozen seafood you should consider: 

  • Observe the expiration or expiration date of the product. Choose the most distant fulfillment. That the date is not clogged or retreaded is to say that it is not altered.
  • Note that the packaging and labels are in perfect condition, not broken or in bad condition.
  • Choose the seafood at the end in the supermarket, not to interrupt “the cold chain” of them.
  • Check that they are well frozen and that the package does not have frost, because there you see that they have already been partially thawed.


Shellfish, as soon as they reach their final destination, should be placed in the refrigerator or freezer. Thawing should not be allowed to freeze again because bacteria are activated and can cause health-damaging effects.

Defrost in the refrigerator, never at room temperature.

Shellfish that have already been cooked must be allowed to cool to refrigerate. They should be placed in a clean, dry and airtight container. Always serve them with a clean utensil.

Its duration, refrigerated raw, 2 days maximum and depending on its freshness at the time of purchase. Cooked refrigerated 4 days, maximum. Frozen and without interrupting the process, approximately 2 months and depending on its freshness at the time of purchase.


Freeze.         Cool.


2 months approx.  2-4 days approx.


Always handle shellfish or any food, with clean hands or disposable gloves and those that have already been cooked, with clean utensils.