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Celery, it’s a stalk. A matte consists of several long, thin, and slit-green stalks. Leaves are also green, small and with beaks.

Celery freshness:

It is seen in its stems and erect leaves, which when folded down do not yield. Intense green Color, not pale green or dark spots or bumps. When you go to buy the product in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Observe that the display site is clean and adequately refrigerated.
  • Choose the products, preferably in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the products of pantry, but before the meats, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When you reach your destination refrigerate, so that the “cold chain” of the same is not interrupted.


It is used as an ingredient,-raw in salads with other vegetables, seasoned with vinaigrettes or dressings. -cooked with sauces, in soups and stews or as flavouring in different preparations. As Pasaboca on raw sticks, accompanied by ricotta or fresh cream and mayonnaise. Also sautéed in low fat (oriental vegetables). In infusion, to improve digestion.


Before storing the celery in the refrigerator,

  • Cut the base of the celery bush to separate the stalks.
  • Separate the stems from the leaves and place them clean and dry in a container with a lid, preferably plastic (not disposable).
  • Place kitchen absorbent paper on the bottom and before capping
  • Keep the leaves (if used for infusions or salads) in the same way as the stems, but separately.
  • Separately place stems and lighter colored leaves and use these in preparations that are to be aromatized, but have to be cooked.

Duration, refrigerated, 15-20 days and more for stalks. Frozen for 2 months. Leaves last approximately 8 days. Stems can be frozen only if they are used for stewing soups or creams. Its duration also depends on the freshness at the time of the purchase.




15-20 days. Two months.


It is advisable not to store celery with leaves, either unpacked or in a plastic bag, because the stems are easily softened and the leaves rot. -Keep the leaves separately. -Whenever it is consumed, dry the lid of the container, to remove excess moisture, thus lengthening its “useful life” and do not rot or become yellow. In food preparations for infants and toddlers, frozen foods, except raw meats, are not advisable. They should always be given freshly prepared foods (made), using very fresh and good quality ingredients.

Nutrients and properties:

It is digestive, diuretic, prevents constipation, increases the defenses in the organism, among many other properties. (See nutrient content and its benefits in vegetables).


Do not store with leaves or in a plastic bag, because the stems are easily softened and the leaves rot. Periodically check the condition of the product, its storage and conservation, to be able to consume it in time.

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