

Vegetable Purchase:

They must be bought according to the people (diners) who feed at home and their habitual consumption. This means, do not exaggerate in quantities so that they are not damaged and not tired with the same thing to the family. I don’t buy what they don’t like, just because it was cheap. Of course if it is good to buy what is in season of “Harvest” if the family likes such foods. When you go to buy the vegetables in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Note that the refrigerator where the product is being exhibited is clean and operating properly (cool).
  • Preferably choose in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the pantry products, but before meat, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When it reaches its destination refrigerate, so that it does not interrupt “the cold chain” of it.

(See more tips and characteristics of freshness and vegetable status at the time of purchase, in each of the products developed).

Uses of vegetables:

A balanced diet should include in your menu the vegetables.

  • These are used either as a strong dish with meats.
  • As a garnish (accompaniment) and in salads.
  • As an ingredient and seasoning for other preparations.
  • It is advisable to always include them in the daily diet.

Vegetable storage:

As soon as you get home with the market, refrigerate, so as not to interrupt the cold chain of the product.


It is a cold method of food preservation, which consists in lowering its temperature between 4-6 degrees Centigrade (42 degrees F), to reduce bacterial activity. For the conservation (prolongation of “the useful life”) of the vegetables, it is important to bear in mind that, it is most convenient to buy them every 7-10 days, because it is a prudent time for storage (space in the refrigerator) and also to preserve its freshness. and nutritional value. (See more tips for storage and conservation of vegetables, in each one).

Vegetable Conservation:

Freeze. Cool. Temp. Environment.


 (see according to product).


(see tips on each one of the vegetables).

Nutrients and properties:

It is advisable to know that when consuming vegetables, it is important to consider not only the aesthetic factor in the menu, but most importantly, its nutritional value. They provide large amounts of vitamins and minerals and some are also rich in starch (carbohydrates) such as plantains and some tubers such as potato, cassava, arracacha, among others. Legumes are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and low carbohydrates, such as beans and lentils among others. They are very complete foods. The yellow and green vegetables are a source of carotene, vitamin A, riboflavin, iron, calcium and others.

Vitamins and minerals present in vegetables (vegetables).

Vitamin A.

It’s important for normal growth. Protects the surface of the respiratory tract, throat, bronchial tubes, eyes and skin. It helps to resist infections. It stimulates appetite and is good for digestion.

It is found in green vegetables and carrots.

B. Complex (water-soluble vitamins).

It should be consumed daily because the body cannot store it. It favors the generation of red blood cells and maintains a good state of the nervous system. This type of fruit also contributes fiber, thus improving your digestion. Beneficial for eyes and hair. Avoids fatigue and fatigue.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine.

Essential for growth. For metabolism. Nervous system.

It is found in the bean, cauliflower, tomato, spinach, carrot, corn and turnip, among others.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin.

Important in cellular respiration. Antiinflammatory. It is usually found in vegetables, legumes and fruits.

Vitamin B6.

Helps in pregnancy symptoms such as nausea. Stimulates appetite.

It is usually found in grains, whole grains and walnuts.

Vitamin B12. Intervenes in the growth. Antianemic.

Found in the carrot.

Niacin. It’s important for the skin.

It is found in vegetables legumes and potatoes.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. (Water-soluble vitamin).

It should be consumed daily because the body cannot store it. Strengthens the immune system. It intervenes in the repair of the tissues (connective). contributes to the formation of collagen. It gives strength to the blood vessels. Helps resistance to infections In wound healing.

Found mainly in citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin), chard parsley, celery, carrot, watercress, green paprika, potatoes, tomatoes, turnip among others.

Vitamin D.

For the formation of strong bones and teeth. Regulates metabolism. Support for phosphorus and calcium absorption.

It is found in cabbage and carrot.

Vitamin E.

Avoids the appearance of eye disorders and clots in the blood vessels (thrombi). Fertility aid. Prevents premature old age. It also increases the cellular response to infections or illnesses. Auxiliary in the growth and the corporal development. It benefits the nervous system.

It is found in spinach, watercress, lettuce, and general in the vast majority of plant-derived foods.

Vitamin K.

Very important for blood clotting.

It is found in green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, green cabbage, egg yolk, among others.



It constitutes 50% of the minerals present in the human body. Prevents bleeding. It helps keep your heartbeat constant. For the maintenance and development of bones, fingernails and teeth. Helps in blood clotting and good muscle functioning.

It is found in chard, tomato, orange, lemon, lettuce, celery, and green leaves in general, among others.


It is important in the formation of gastric juices.

It is found in tomato, spinach, turnips, lettuce, avocado, bananas, pineapple coconut, mango, lemon, among others.


Very important for the assimilation of iron and hemoglobin formation.

Found in: cucumbers, spinach, celery, onions, potatoes, bananas, carrots, soybeans, radishes, onions, beans, lentils, wheat, maize and rice.


Along with the calcium it forms the cover of bones and teeth. For the proper functioning of the brain.

It is found in broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Coles in general.


For the formation and hardening of bones and teeth.

It is found in: garlic, cauliflower and chard.


It is the main component of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. They help build blood cells. It creates resistance against fatigue. It helps to avoid anemia.

It is found in green vegetables, legumes (beans, lentils), whole wheat.


It is vitally important for the proper functioning of the thyroid which regulates the metabolism.

It can be found in garlic, tomato, lettuce, pineapple, among others.


Essential for the correct functioning of the nervous system. Helps the functioning of the glands. Helps the formation of albumin in the blood.

It is located in: avocados, pineapple, bananas and vegetables in general.


For the blood and the nervous system.


It develops the cells of the muscles and the red blood cells. It is basic for muscle tissue and glycogen formation. Avoids muscle fatigue.

It is found in: chard, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, celery, mango, orange, lemon, avocado, lettuce, turnip.


Improves the skin. Helps children and adolescents grow. For healing the wounds.


By their antioxidant power they protect against free radicals (causing aging). They have anti-cancer properties and prevent heart disease. They are found in yellow vegetables and fruits. Some vegetables also contain carbohydrates, which provide energy to the organism and proteins, for cell regeneration.

Nutrients that should contain any balanced diet.

It should be remembered that for a balanced diet, food should be consumed from the 5 groups:

  • Proteins: essential amino acids are essential for cell development.

It is found in meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and some vegetables such as legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils) among others.

  • Carbohydrates (carbohydrates): They provide energy to the organism, such as food fibre and sugars.

They are found in vegetables such as wheat, potato, plantain and some fruits, among others.

  • Lipids. Animal and vegetable fats.
  • Vitamins. Fruits and vegetables and in the vast majority of food.
  • Minerals. Fruits and vegetables and in the vast majority of food.

A balanced diet must then contain: meats, fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, dairy, eggs and fats.


  • It should be remembered that the useful “life” of the product depends on its freshness at the time of purchase, the date (approximate) of maturity and its subsequent storage and conservation.
  • Periodically check the status of the product to be able to consume it in time.
  • Always handle with clean hands and utensils.
Contenidos ocultar
7 Nutrients and properties:

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