
Food Storage

To make good storage, you have to take into account the space available for this, in shelves, pantry (shelves), refrigerator (refrigerator and freezer), that work well, are clean and have a good distribution and location. Bacteria can multiply in perishable foods if left at room temperature for more than two hours. In high summer temperatures, bacteria grow even faster – after 1 hour! Refrigerating food safely and in a timely manner can help prevent illnesses in the workforce and in children living in institutions. Refrigerators must be kept at a temperature of between 5 º C (40 °f) and 0 º C (32 º C). Foods that should be kept refrigerated include:

  • Raw meat, poultry, fish and shellfish
  • Eggs and Egg Products
  • Dairy products
  • Perishable Fruits and Vegetables
  • Cut and peeled fruits and vegetables
  • Food leftovers from pre-prepared meals
  • Mixed infant formula milk
  • Open cans or jars such as canned vegetables or baby food

Non-perishable foods are dry, canned foods that can be stored without refrigeration and not spoiled. However, these foods are spoiled if exposed to moisture or extreme heat. Non-perishable foods should be stored in a way that is protected from pest infestations such as insects or rodents. In addition, food must be stored to prevent contamination by moisture or chemicals. Dry Storage Tips:

  • Store food in a cool, dry place, no more than 27º C (80 º F)
  • Transfers to packaged food to plastic, glass or metal hermétcos storage containers
  • Stores food away from the ground
  • Stores food separately from chemical products (separate shelves, cupboards, etc.)

The purchase of the market will be made on the basis of such availability, so that no food is bought in greater quantity than can be stored, avoiding the stacking and that these are damaged or that the refrigerator is overfilled and cannot function properly (less With the aggravation of a higher energy consumption. Always keep in mind when storing fresh foods (fruits, vegetables) that are clean and in good condition, because the soil and some that are deteriorating, shorten “the life” of others and we want to eat fresh, healthy and also “do not miss anything”. In the same way the other fresh products (meat, chicken, fish and shellfish) and the cheeses (fresh or cured or matured), are well packed and their gaskets clean, thus there will be a greater durability of them. Products that come in glass cans or gaskets, inspect them for dusty or sticky, and otherwise clean before storing.

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