Purple lettuce

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Purple lettuce
Purple lettuce

Buying purple lettuce:

Purple lettuce, it’s a leafy vegetable.  of erect stems, gooseberries leaves, red wine color with some green. Its taste is slightly bitter.

One of the most common problems when you buy a lettuce and not consumed right away is that the leaves wither.

In most cases, the purchase is made every 8-10 days and at best once a week.

This leads to the deterioration of the food but with a little attention and certain care, these products do not have to end up in the trash.

Freshness of purple lettuce:

It is observed in its stems and leaves erect and satin. When you go to buy the product in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Observe the display site, it is clean and properly refrigerated.
  • Choose the products, preferably in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the products of pantry, but before the meats, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When you reach your destination refrigerate, so that the “cold chain” of the same is not interrupted.


Purple lettuce is used raw in salads, seasoned with vinaigrettes and dressings.

Storage of purple lettuce:

  • First the Union of its leaves is removed and they separate.
  • Observe that they are in good condition and without animals (slugs).
  • Wash them with water at room temperature (if they are dirty) and dry with absorbent cloth and clean.
  • Place in a container with a lid preferably plastic, putting absorbent paper (dry) of kitchen in the bottom.
  • Place the leaves of the vegetable sandwiched to one side and the other.
  • Again absorbent paper cooking before the lid.
  • Refrigerate in the crisper or at the bottom and front of the refrigerator, not the bottom, because it is very cold and burn.

Its duration also depends on the freshness at the time of your purchase.

Conservation of purple Lettuce:


Fresh foods such as lettuce, carrots and tomatoes, among others, whose growth is given in direct contact with or near the ground, meet some of the perfect characteristics to cause food infections, reason why they should be taken into account A series of precautions at the time of handling and consumption, to avoid residues of environmental pollutants.

The process of preserving at home, is one of the aspects that influence, at the time of obtaining a safer product.

It should be noted that in any fresh food that requires cold, if it is not refrigerated quickly, the possible microorganisms it contains can multiply. In the case of lettuce, conservation can be improved.

It is also important to know how they should be kept in good condition since they are bought until they are consumed to extend their useful life.

There are ways in which the leaves of the lettuce can be kept fresh and thus guarantee the extension of their useful life. These are important aspects: washing, cutting and storing in the refrigerator of this product. Lettuce is a vegetable that is consumed raw. 

All this implies, at times, a greater load of pollutants, since they are not subjected to any cooking process that destroys the existence of possible pathogens, traces of soil, insects or other type of dirt with the capacity to contaminate the surfaces of The kitchen where they are handled and the utensils that are used for it.

Lettuce in bag

The lettuce that comes in the bag tends to last longer, although it is also damaged once the container is opened.

These products (IV range) are already clean, cut and ready to eat and have been removed from the non-edible parts. The fruits, vegetables and vegetables occupy a special place in this sector for the comfort of the client, but one has to be careful not to break “the cold chain”.

In most cases these products are presented in containers such as bags or trays. They have a shelf life of about seven days. They must be kept at a temperature of about 3 º C or 4 º C until they are used.

Although in recent years there has been much progress in improving the quality and stability of fresh and processed foodstuffs, special attention must be paid to the presence of microorganisms or pathogens, through techniques to improve their Packaging and processing and storage and maintenance maximizes the shelf life and maintains the quality of the product.  

Purple Lettuce Duration:

8-10 days approximately.


  • It should be cut by hand or with stainless steel or plastic knife so that it does not wither (oxidize or darken).
  • After chopping, place it in icy (or ice) water and with lemon, for at least 5 minutes, it will become crispy and also lose its bitter taste.

Drain squeezing in the fist or in a vegetable centrifuge. 

Nutrients and properties.

(See nutrient content and its benefits in vegetables). Note.

  • Do not freeze.

·  Periodically check the status of the product to be able to consume it in time. 

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