


Cucumber, coshoulder or COGOMBRO, is a fruit vegetable. Pulp quite clear, almost white, with seeds of the same color. Watermelon-like Aroma and flavor, fresh and refreshing, not sweeter.


The common, is of shell (bark) color dark green and marbled with green lighter. Elongated and cylindrical shape. Firm, non-tender texture. Soft, fresh smell. There is also canned (gherkins), small of other variety.

When you go to buy the product in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Observe that the display site is clean and adequately refrigerated.
  • Choose the products, preferably in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the products of pantry, but before the meats, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When you reach your destination refrigerate, so that the “cold chain” of the same is not interrupted.


It is used raw in salads and creams (cold soups) and green juices. Also sautéed in oriental vegetables replacing the Zucchini. In canned foods (bittersweet).


The whole cucumber, it is refrigerated without bag or with perforated bag and absorbent paper of kitchen (dry) inside and in “the drawer of the vegetables” in the refrigerator or in place not so cold of the same one. If it is portioning to keep facedown (so that its moisture does not damage it), preferably plastic container without lid. It can also be prepared in preserves (sour or bittersweet) for longer duration. The refrigerated duration, 8-10 days, following the given advice and depending on the degree of freshness at the time of purchase.




8-10 days approximately.


If it is in harvest or promotion, it can be prepared in preserves.

Nutrients and properties:

(See nutrient content and its benefits in vegetables). Note: Periodically check the status of the product to be able to consume it in time.

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