How to keep beans fresh

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The beans are long, thin and round, green.

Bean freshness:

It shows in its firm texture to the touch and smooth, that do not yield when bending, but break easily. Not soft or pliable, because they’re old. Its color must be intense green, without blemishes. When you go to buy the product in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Observe that the display site is clean and adequately refrigerated.
  • Choose the products, preferably in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the products of pantry, but before the meats, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When you reach your destination refrigerate, so that the “cold chain” of the same is not interrupted.


They always undergo cooking.

  • As a garnish, they are used alone or with other vegetables like, with sauces, gratins (with baked cheese).
  • As an ingredient, in soups, rice dishes and stews.

Beans Storage:

The beans, whole, clean and dry, are kept refrigerated in ample container (which are loose) preferably of plastic with lid, or in plastic bag around with absorbent paper of kitchen (dry). Chopped raw can be frozen for soups, creams or stews not for rice or salads because they are very soft. Duration, refrigerated 8-10 days depending on its freshness at the time of purchase. Frozen raw, 2 months. Its duration also depends on the freshness at the time of the purchase.

Beans Conservation:

Refrigerated. Frozen.


8 -10 days approx. Depending on your degree of fresshness at the time of purchase.


Often observe that they do not have excess moisture, given the case to change the kitchen paper with a dry one. In food preparations for infants and toddlers, frozen foods are not advisable, except meats (raw) for their preservation and should always be given freshly made foods with very fresh ingredients.

Nutrients and properties:

(See nutrient content and its benefits in vegetables).


Preferably do not freeze the raw beans as they lose their texture. Periodically check the condition of the product, its storage and conservation, to be able to consume it in time.