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The RABBIT, is a small game animal (hair) and also of breeding (farm). Young specimens are fleshy and have rounded thighs. Its flesh is tender, juicy and protein-rich.

They should not eat freshly slaughtered, but wait for their limbs to regain their elasticity. Their meat is more delicate than the hare and is digested better.

Old animals are known in their long, yellowish teeth and white-haired snout. In the market you usually get farm rabbits.

Its approximate weight is 2 kg and they are fed in such a way, that they produce abundant meat for its commercialization.

If the rabbit is hunting, you should remember to bring a portable refrigerator (with enough ice) or if it is electric, carry all the necessary connections, in order to properly preserve the meat of the animal, while reaching its destination.


Refrigerate, freeze


Refrigerated, 2 days. Frozen, approximately 2 months and depending on the amount of fat it contains.

Rabbit meat storage:

The RABBIT when you get home refrigerate or freeze immediately as the case may be. Wash the meat quickly, marinate (season with liquor) and ripen in cold for 2 days to make it tender and soft.

IF It is to be CONSUMED SOON or BEFORE 24-36 hours, it should be:

-Place in a container with a lid that prevents its juices from falling on other foods and produces a “cross contamination”.-Marinate (this preserves the meat) and refrigerate in the coldest place of the refrigerator. Otherwise, slice and freeze on the bag for that purpose.


-Pack with the maximum amount of air inside the bag

.-Use a large bag, which does not tighten the contents inside it. That the package is flat, so that it can be stored and thawed better.

-Use plastic bags that can be sealed preferably if it has to be frozen for a long time. If it is for a short time (up to 3 weeks) wrapped in aluminum foil, with the opaque side inwards.

Annotate with indelible marker on the package, the class, quantity and cut of the meat.-Freezing will be effective as long as no agents are present Pathogens.


-When defrosting the meats, the microorganisms re-activate and multiply to cause diseases, for this reason it must be thawed inside the refrigerator, not at room temperature.

If you forgot to defrost with time, place the package (well closed), in a container with water at room temperature and inside the refrigerator, for 10-20 minutes according to the quantity and turning the package. It is possible to change the water, so that it will be defrosted soon.

-Defrosting in “microwave oven”, take care not to heat the meat, so that the proliferation of bacteria does not begin.-Once thawed, do not re-freeze.

DURATION. Refrigerated, 2 days. Frozen, approximately 2 months and depending on the amount of fat it contains. IMPORTANT: MAIN PATHOGENIC AGENTS IN MEATS. (See MEAT STORAGE).


-For the Farm rabbit, its duration also depends on: the freshness at the time of the purchase.

The expiration date of the product (see packaging). Proper conservation. Handling with clean utensils and hands.


  • For when hunting rabbits, if for some reason you could not get blocks of ice for the portable fridge, one option is, wash very well unoccupied milk boxes and put to make ice inside them.
  • Take great care when handling the meat , because the microorganisms that exist in it (harmful to the human health), are transmitted to other foods by contact with this one, or with utensils used and that have not been adequately washed.

When you go to prepare it:

• Wash the hands thoroughly and all the ingredients to be added to the preparation.

• Cook at suitable temperatures.

• Separate raw food from cooked foods.

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