

Pineapple, (bromeliads). There are several kinds, but the sweetest is the Golden pineapple.


It must be firm to the touch (not soft), without bruises or coffee parts. -Golden, in a rather round way. When ripe expels its characteristic delicious and sweet smell. It’s yellow with green. No matter your color, it’s usually sweet. -scented, is elongated and if it influences the yellow color of your shell to know its ripening point. The Greens need to mature to make them sweet. –Another way to know if the pineapple is ripe and sweet, is pulling a sheet of your peñacho and release easily. When you go to buy the product in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Observe that the display site is clean and adequately refrigerated.
  • Choose the products, preferably in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the products of pantry, but before the meats, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When you get to your destination if you want to refrigerate, but only if it is ripe.


For juices, milkshakes, ice creams, mousse (fluffy), desserts and cocktails. Sauces for meat, ice cream and fruit salads. To prepare cakes, cakes, puddings and confectionery in general.


Keep at room temperature (away from the sun’s rays) until it reaches the desired ripening point, wash and dry very well, if the supermarket is not placed in a bag (cashier’s manipulation). -Start to slice by one end, cutting with shell what is going to be consumed. Store the surplus facedown in a bowl (bowl or place silicone cover or film) and refrigerate. Continue cutting the portion to be consumed and keep the other in shell so that it continues to have good taste and freshness without affecting the “cross contamination”. Always place facedown, so that your juices do not rot. or wrap on paper film (Vnipel) and refrigerate facedown. -If it is for juice or any other preparation, not to consume alone, it can be peeled, cut into pieces, sliced into plastic bags and frozen. -You can also chop and with granulated sugar put it to simmer. This is for meat sauces or ice cream. -or simply store and hold in a container with lid and refrigerate, when it will be consumed in the next 4 days.


-Frozen, peeled and Porcionada, about 1 month. -Refrigerated, 6-8 days approx. -At room temperature, whole, 3-5 days approximately, while ripe. Conservation: Temp. Environment. Freeze. Cool. Duration: 3 days approx. 1 month aprox. 8 days approx.


-Frozen is better preserved and when preparing the blends and juices, they are deliciously refreshing. -If desired, it is also possible to prepare a pulp concentrate (liquefied and brewed) with or without sugar and freeze, in bags (portion for preparation). -or “ice buckets”, where each cube is a portion for a glass, adding when the juice is to be prepared, the amount of water or milk, before blending. This makes it much easier to prepare the beverages later. -It is advisable not to cook the fruit for beverages, since they lose nutrients. -When placed at room temperature so that it matures, do not expose it to direct rays of the sun. -Do not refrigerate the pineapple until the desired ripening point has been reached, since it is interrupted and is hard and tasteless. -When the pineapple is to be mixed as an ingredient in a preparation with milk, it must be cooked before joining it with the milk. Otherwise that preparation suffers a chemical reaction by one of the components that she has (the pineapple) and it takes a bitter taste, leaning to lose the drink or the preparation that is done.

Nutrients and properties:

-it is rich in sugars, as these are of slow absorption gives energy for longer and produces a feeling of satiety. -the pineapple contains minerals such as iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc or manganese. -Contains vitamin A, group B vitamins and C, which are excellent source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and delay aging. -The pineapple has a large amount of water (85%), this means that it satiates and hydrates and contributes very little calories (about 55 per 100 gr). -It is perfect to consume in slimming diets. (See nutrient content in fruits)


-periodically check the condition of the product in order to be able to consume it in time.