Ostrich Eggs

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Ostrich eggs, (bird eggs). They’re Big-sized. It is estimated that a hen egg is the veinticuatroava part of an ostrich approximately.


When you buy them make sure they are in good condition, without blows and that their shell is matt, not shiny, since they are usually not fresh. A fresh egg is also characterized by its thick, solid Shell. Fresh “egg” Smell. A lower quality egg is a dirty egg with a broken, fragile, rough or deformed shell. If you have cracked shell it is better not to consume it.


For breakfast as a main course, as an ingredient in pastries, as garnish (accompaniment) or tortillas.


They are kept refrigerated and if possible place them in a container vertically with the tip downwards. When refrigerating, place them separate from strong odors, so they will have more “shelf life” and retain their freshness. It must be remembered that the duration of the product also depends on the freshness at the time of its purchase and its subsequent storage and Conservation.




Approximately 1 Month.


A fresh egg when splitting, the unflattened, yellow-colored, bulging bud is seen with a central position. The clear, transparent slightly yellow, firm and dense (thick, viscous) and remains collected. Its smell should be soft and pleasant, to “egg”. When it is not fresh the yolk is flattened and the clear, thin and fluid (liquid) and extends into the container. Another way to know the freshness of an egg is by placing it in a container with salt water, if you go to the bottom is fresh and the more it floats is less fresh, and if it reaches the surface is damaged. A blood point inside the egg is no problem, it simply retreats with a spoon. Nutrients and properties: (see nutrients and properties in eggs). Note: fresh eggs are better tasting and healthier. Do not buy dirty eggs and less with excrement, because of the danger of salmonella. Periodically check the status of the product to be able to consume it in time.

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