How to preserve milk

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milk storage


milk, in the market we find a great variety:

  • Milk of animal Origin (cow, goat, sheep, buffalo), containing lactose (milk sugar) to a greater or lesser degree

There is also: lactose (lactose-free). Skim (without Natural fat). Presentations. -in carafe (plastic bottle), box (Tetra-pack), bottle and plastic bag. -pasteurized and long life or UHT (Ultra pasteurized).

  • The milks of vegetable origin, badly called milks because they do not contain lactose, as they are: that of almonds, rice, oats, walnuts, and soya, among Others.


When I went to buy the milk,

  • If it is long life, the packaging must be clean and in good Condition.

-observe that the place where it is exhibited is a clean and adequate location. This is usually displayed at room Temperature.

  • If it is pasteurized, it is well Refrigerated.

-check the expiration or expiration date of the product, which is not retreaded, blurred or clogged (adulterated) and if possible, choose the date furthest from its fulfillment.

-observe that the gasket is clean and in perfect condition. Choose the milk at the end of the purchase, so that it is the shortest possible time without refrigeration and the “cold chain” of the product is not Interrupted. Refrigerate when you reach your Destination.


The milk is used,-alone, as a beverage to accompany sweet snacks. -as an important food for child development, either bottle or Glass.

-as an ingredient for other hot or cold beverages such as: juices, sorbets, milkshakes, oatmeal, chocolate, coffee, Tea.

-in General Confectionery. -for salsas (sauce, which is the basis for many other sauces). Creams (soups), Desserts “rice pudding”, mousse, cakes and confectionery in General.

-to accompany the breakfast cereal or the powdered beverages with flavors a (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, etc.).

Milk storage:

When storing milk it will be taken into account,

  • Pasteurized milk per unit, i.e. the one that does not come in a package by several units,

-when you get home, wash very well and dry the carafes (plastic bottles), bags and boxes for not having additional protection, before putting them into the refrigerator, since they have been handled, mainly by the cashiers of the stores that handle money.

-keep the milk always refrigerated to avoid decomposition.

-do not freeze, so that it does not alter its texture and flavor.

  • Long-life or UHT milk can be stored at room temperature if it has not been opened.

-once It has been uncovered, Refrigerate.

-keep the milk in its original container, since the change of this can contaminate it and its “useful life” shortens.

open the bag with clean scissors or knives and never with the Teeth. -serve in a cup or container, never take directly from the container, as it contaminates the milk with saliva because it has one on top, the Ptialina that is that which degrades the food. Refrigerate Again.

-in the refrigerator place milk and dairy products, away from meat, fish and vegetables, so that they do not contaminate and impregnate the gaskets with their smells, thus altering the flavor of the Dairy. Duration. -pasteurized milk without uncovering, refrigerate until the expiration Date. After open, refrigerated, 72 hours.

-long life milk or UHT (uht or Ultra Pasteurization) in unopened box, 6 months at room Temperature. After open, refrigerate and consume Soon.

-long life (UHT) Milk in bag, unopened, 3 months and can be at room Temperature. After open, refrigerate for approximately 5 days. The duration of the milk will also depend on its freshness at the time of purchase and the expiration date printed on the Packaging. Expiration date printed on the Packaging.

 Non-pasteurizedPasteurized without opening the gasketUltra pasteurized without opening the gasketAll open Gasket
Conservation:Cool.Cool.Temp. Environment.Cool.
Duration:         Bal.    72 H.Three Months.UHT 6 Months.Bal.    72 H.

At the expiration or expiration date of the product, the time may be approximate, because if the product expires or expires, the time can be approximated, as carelessly leaving the product outside the refrigerator may last less. Or sometimes it lasts longer depending on the manipulation and the little interruption in the “cold chain” that has had the Same.


-for storage in the refrigerator of the milk in bag if it is not closed, after opening it, put it in its opening so that it does not spill if it turns, a plastic clip of the to close the bags in the kitchen, is very practical because it avoids trail. You can also make a cut to the bag not so big, or tie with a wire from those who bring the bags of bread chopped.

-its duration, also depends on the time that is on the date (approximate) of expiration or expiration of the Product.

Important: Although as there are times that the date has not expired, and it can happen that the container was puffed and the product was damaged and you have to discard it, it can happen, that other times the date is already expired and the product continues in good condition for a while.

Nutrients and properties:

(see Nutrients in dairy).


-it must be remembered that the “useful life” of the product depends also on the freshness at the time of its purchase and its subsequent storage and Conservation.

-if you have purchased the product in a family package (not personal), you should not drink or consume directly from it, but serve in a glass.

This is not to contaminate the content with saliva, because it contains an enzyme “ptialina”, which degrades food, and will damage the Surplus.

-periodically check the condition of the product in order to be able to consume it in time.

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