How to preserve Caviar

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How to preserve Caviar

How to preserve Caviar
How to preserve Caviar

What is Caviar?

It is called CAVIAR, the eggs of sturgeon fish that are destined for consumption in banquets and buffets.

They do not always come from the sturgeon, they can also be from other fish such as cod, salmon, lumpfish, among others, whose eggs are placed in black dye to look like Sturgeon. Since Sturgeon is a very rare and scarce species, caviar is really expensive, sturgeon fish farming has been developed, which is a way of producing it in captivity, bobtail in nurseries.

When they reach the fertile age, they are artificially inseminated and when the time is right, the eggs are extracted, cleaned, salted and packaged.

The best and most expensive CAVIAR is the one that comes from the countries on the Caspian Sea as Aserbaiyan, Iran, Russia, although there is caviar that comes from Canada, Romania, France, not as expensive as substitutes, red caviar or salmon and other fish different from Sturgeon.

How to buy Caviar.

It is advisable to buy the CAVIAR packaged in glass containers and not in cans because they can alter its flavor.

Classification, characteristics and quality.

The caviar is classified according to the size of the egg, the firmness of the grain and its flavor.

After cataloguing them based on the above characteristics and if they are suitable, it is passed to classify them according to the color. 

If they have very clear tonality, they are called Imperial and if it is darker they are called Royal. The inferior to these two is called Classic. Any of these categories are of great quality.

Other types of Caviar

  • Hackleback Caviar: It is black and shiny, medium size, firm texture, buttery flavor characteristic in other caviars, plus sweet and walnut.
  • Paddlefish Caviar: It is light grey, shiny, almost platinum-coloured. Buttery flavor.  It replaces very well the Beluga caviar.
  • Bowfin Caviar: Best known as Cajun Choupique. Black. Firm and smooth taste. It is also considered another of the best substitutes of the Beluga although it is smaller. It has a distinctive characteristic of Sturgeon.
  • Whitefish Caviar: Natural Golden Color. Small-grained and crispy. Soft taste. It’s from the salmon family. It can be aromatized with ginger and/or truffle.
  • Trout Caviar: orange-gold. Very soft taste. Big Grain.
  • Capela Caviar: small-grained. Artificially colored red or black. Pasteurized.
  • Lumpfish Caviar: Fine and crispy grain. As a fish of icy waters, it is well known and desired in the Nordic countries. Economical and pasteurized. Intense flavor. Black or red Color. It is served as an aperitif.
  • Salmon Caviar: Large size. Golden orange or reddish-orange and bright Color. Characteristic flavor. Preferred by the sushi chefs of the whole world. Large size even bigger than Beluga. As the salmon is a fish with scales, this caviar is considered by the Jews as a kosher food.


As an appetizer. In buffets and cocktails (canapés), on bread or biscuits.

Caviar Storage:

Without uncovering the preserves can be stored at room temperature. Once uncovered store and keep in refrigerator.

The expiration date of the same is to be observed, since a quality product always has it and does not admit expired products.

Conservation in buffets.

Fresh Caviar: It can be preserved while it is consumed, placing it on a container with ice, to guarantee its nutritional properties and organoleptic qualities (flavor, texture, smell, color, etc.).

It has better taste but less duration. It is preserved after being opened for up to 4 days in the refrigerator in its own container.

Pasteurized caviar can be stored at room temperature in its container, without being uncovered, for up to 6 months and cooled by going to serve it. The caviar if it is in pasta or pressed lasts up to 3 months.

CAVIAR never freezes. It must be kept in its original container and at a temperature between-2 degrees C and 2 degrees Celsius or on ice.


  • It is usually served as an aperitif (appetizer).
  • It should be cooled for at least 15 minutes before serving.
  • The caviar is uncovered and served in a bowl of glass or glass and placed inside another with crushed ice halfway.
  • A spoon is placed to serve it, never plastic.
  • It can be eaten directly with spoon, or…
  • Accompanied with pretzels or slices of toasted bread with butter.
  • Also with cheeses, dry white wines, champagne or cold vodka or ice.
  • or with non-alcoholic beverages such as grape juice.




4-90 days approx.


When opening a container of caviar and close it, it will have a limited lifespan due to the air that already entered this and similarly the temperature of the refrigerator is not so high for good conservation for a long time, which is why it is advisable to consume Once.

Fish or any other food should be handled with clean hands and utensils.

can you freeze the caviar?

CAVIAR never freezes. It must be kept in its original container and at a temperature between-2 degrees C and 2 degrees Celsius or on ice

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