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As PARTRIDGE, the adult animal is known.

Chicken less than one year is the PELLET. This one is finer and an excellent delicacy. Adult poultry meat is less appreciated than that of young specimens. Its age is known by the legs that are rough and dark grey, almost black, the wings end in tip.

The juveniles have rounded the tips of the feathers, and their legs and beaks are flexible and yellowish brown. Its flesh is lean, dark color and exquisite flavor.


The partridge is almost always prepared on the grill or in the oven, wrapped in bacon, served on canapés.


For hygiene, sanitation and to avoid contamination and possible intoxications, you should wash your hands and/or put on gloves before you begin to handle poultry meat.

If it is to be consumed soon it must:

  • Your meat matures for 2-3 days before cooking.
  • Place it in a container with a lid that prevents its juices from falling on other foods and produces a “cross-contamination”.
  • Season and put it in the coldest place in the refrigerator to refrigerate.
  • Otherwise, freeze on the bag for that purpose.

Freezing will be effective as long as no pathogenic agents are present.

Pack the air out of the bag as much as possible.

Use a large bag, which does not squeeze the contents into it.

Use plastic bags that can be sealed preferably if it is to be frozen for a long time. If it is for a short time (up to 3 weeks) wrapped in aluminum foil, with the opaque side facing inward.

Freeze at temperatures below 0 °c because the freeze keeps the microbes inactive by decreasing the movement of the molecules, preventing their growth and deterioration of meat and food in general.

When defrosting the meats, the microorganisms re-activate and can multiply to cause disease, for this reason defrost in the refrigerator. Never at room temperature and less re-freeze.


Freeze.       Cool.


3 months approx.  2-3 days approx.


  • Take great care when handling raw poultry meat, because salmonella (a harmful and toxic micro-organism for human health) is transmitted to other foods by contact with this or used utensils and that have not been properly washed. The same way you have to wash your hands very well.
  • Wash all the ingredients to be added.
  • Cook at suitable temperatures.
  • Separate raw food from cooked foods.


It is vitally important to have information about the dangers of game meat when using lead-based munitions because of the risk of contamination of the meat as it enters into contact.

It should be known about lead, that being a metal that consumes the human, decreases the IQ and cognitive development (lower capacity of the brain to process information). This disease is known by the names of “Plumbismo”o “Saturninismo”, because the alchemists called this element, Saturn.