Passion Fruit

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The Passion Fruit or NARANJILLA, belongs to the family of the solanaceous. It is a subtropical fruit of the north of South America, of round form and acid taste.


It is observed in its firmness to the touch, more not hard. Smooth, hairy skin (as they age they lose) Its color goes from green to yellow depending on the degree of maturation. The best maturity point to buy them is in which the yellow color predominates. The ideal size is the biggest. Nice smell fresh, not fermented. When you go to buy the product in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Observe that the display site is clean and adequately refrigerated.
  • Choose the products, preferably in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the products of pantry, but before the meats, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When you reach your destination refrigerate, so that the “cold chain” of the same is not interrupted.


It is used to prepare juices, milkshakes, desserts, mousse (sponges). -In Colombia it is used as the main ingredient of “the Lula“, drink with condensed milk, ice and pieces of Passion Fruit. –In Ecuador, in beverages such as “Chicha”, “El Canelazo” and “La Colada Morada”.


The Passion Fruit is stored in plastic bag with perforations or uncovered and is kept in the refrigerator or fruit box. -it is not advisable to freeze your pulp because it changes its aroma, taste and color (its organoleptic properties). -it is not advisable to cook the fruit for beverages as they lose nutrients. Storage: Refrigerate. Duration: 12-15 days approx.


Sometimes a refrigerated Passion Fruit, it can have its brown husk, and its pulp to be in good condition (green or yellow color), for this reason they must leave before throwing them in the garbage. Only if your pulp is also brown and fermented smell, are discarded. It is advisable not to cook the fruit pulp for beverages as they lose nutrients.

Nutrients and properties:

-rich in vitamin C. (See nutrient content in fruits). Note:Do not freeze raw Passion Fruit, because its flavor and aroma are altered. -periodically check the condition of the product, its storage and conservation, to be able to consume it in time.