how to keep avocado fresh longer

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Avocado, is the family of the Lauraceae. There are several classes, including:

  • The avocado JASS: It is small in size, its rind (rind) is thick, hard and with firm and rough texture. Dark green.

Its pulp is unctuous (like butter), light green color and without dark parts.


It is seen in its firm texture, shiny shell, dark green color (when it has not ripened well), firm texture (not soft).

When you go to buy this avocado you should consider when you want to consume.

-If it is for the same day, the color in this avocado, should become a little green-brownish (ripe) and yields a little to the touch. -You can buy avocados at different ripening points and have them for every day, because they are of high nutritional value.

  • The avocado, Lorraine, is medium sized or large, thin, smooth and shiny. Intense green Color and marbled.

-its pulp is a little firmer, creamy but moister (aqueous).

Color in 2 shades of green. Dark, near its crust and clearer, near its seed. It should not be too soft or have dark spots.

-When you go to buy this avocado, you should consider when you want to consume.

-For the same day, it should be proved that the apex (short sprig that remains in the part where it was attached to the tree), is loose.

-if it is firm or no longer has the apex, gently palpating its texture around this or the dimple it left.

If it yields to the touch, it is usually in its perfect ripening point, because it is basically where it shows its maturity. “Hard, not yet ripe.”

-You can buy avocados at different ripening points and so have for every day, because they are of high nutritional value and very delicious.

When you go to buy the product in the supermarket, we recommend:

  • Observe that the display site is clean and adequately refrigerated.
  • Choose the products, preferably in this order: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheeses and dairy in general, after the products of pantry, but before the meats, poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • When you reach your destination refrigerate, so that the “cold chain” of the same is not interrupted.


Avocado, is used as an ingredient for salads, “guacamole”, “burritos”, “cause” Ecuadorian and Peruvian.

-As a garnish (accompaniment) of typical dishes such as “Ajiaco Santafereño”, “Sancocho”, “the Paisa tray” and the vast majority of soups, among others.


Can be stored at room temperature and when it reaches its ripening point, it can be refrigerated.

-If it has been split, place it facedown in a plastic container, with lid and absorbent paper (dry) in the bottom of the kitchen and refrigerate. or wrapped in paper film (Vinipel) and always placing facedown.


-Refrigerated mature, whole, 5 days approx. -After party, refrigerated, 2 days approx. Spend it in the shortest possible time.

Its duration depends also on the freshness at the time of its purchase. Storage:



5-7 days. Two days.

Nutrients and properties:

Avocado is considered one of the healthiest foods that exist. Contains: Vitamins A (Skin), B (folic acid), C and E (antioxidants), and K (blood clotting in wounds). Minerals such as copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and excellent in potassium (3 bananas). It contains proteins and fiber.

The avocado is rich in Omega 3. -Protects against cancer as it can inhibit the development of prostate cancer and avocado oleic acid is also effective in preventing breast cancer.

-Maintains the heart healthy as it contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help regulate homocysteine levels, associated with an increased risk of heart disease. -Contains vitamin E.

-Contains antioxidants, which help to delay the aging process and a healthy nervous system. –Reduces bad cholesterol in blood by 22% (LDL) as triglycerides and increases by 11% in HDL (good cholesterol) cholesterol. -It controls the blood pressure, being a great source of potassium.

It is anti-inflammatory, reduces the risk to develop inflammatory and degenerative diseases. -Promotes eye health as it helps protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

regulates blood sugar levels.

-Prevents birth defects by being rich in a vitamin B or folic acid. -Reduces the risk of stroke.


After splitting, to keep it better, store it with a shell and facedown in a container with a lid preferably plastic with absorbent paper (dry) in the bottom of it and refrigerate.

But before varnishing (spread) its pulp with a little olive oil (or vegetable), so that it does not darken (oxidize). or cover with paper film (Vinipel) and refrigerate facedown.

-If the avocados have not matured (they are hard), leave them at room temperature, but do not place them where the sun gives them direct sunlight.

Do not refrigerate without having reached the perfect ripening point, because they do not ripen, they are hard.


Periodically check the condition of the product, its storage and maintenance, in order to be able to consume it in time.

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