How to buy food properly

How to buy food properly

Knowing how to buy food knowingly, is a GREAT BLESSING FOR THE HOME, since it saves a lot of time, money and the best food is bought for our own, taking full advantage of the resources we have at the moment . Because God is faithful and will always give us the solution and creativity to spoil and surprise the family with the best and most delicious things on our table! To make a good food purchase, the following factors must be taken into account: Where to buy? , When to buy ?, What days to buy ?, What to buy ?, How much to buy? Knowledge of the characteristics of freshness of the products, those that are in harvest, the classes of products according to the time of duration, the specifications and characteristics of the processed products (canned, frozen, packaged and packages) that must be taken into account for Verify its good condition and quality.


Knowing that the most precious treasure after salvation and love, is health, we must bear in mind that food must be bought in reliable places, such as chain stores and supermarkets. In these places, we will have the opportunity to choose ourselves, without being worried because in a carelessness they will give us a hard meat (the one we do not ask for), too mature or very green fruit, vegetables in poor condition or not fresh and withered, products as we DO NOT DESIRE THEM. These commercial establishments must have neat facilities and personnel with good presentation and cleanliness (that apply hygiene and health standards). They must also have quality products and high turnover, which have adequate means for their conservation, such as refrigerators, freezers and shelves, clean, in good condition and adequate functioning. In supermarkets and stores food should not be close to toiletries or drugstore, as they are contaminated with their strong odors.


Vegetables and fruits should be purchased maximum every 15 days. Ideally, every 8 days for freshness. Meats, poultry, fish and seafood, as they are frozen, can be purchased when desired, every 8, 15, 30 days because up to 1 year can last frozen, depending on the percentage of fat you have (lower fat, longer duration). Bakery, maximum every 8 days. Meat products (sausages) depends if they are frozen or not, buy every 10-40 days. Grains, coffee, chocolate, cereals, preserves in general, among others, buy every 2 months or depending on the type of product.


Although, the vast majority of people make their purchases on the days that really can, it is good to know some tips to make them on the days that best suits, if we can choose. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, these are ideal days for shopping as there are not so many people, no queues in the boxes, no tumults in stores and supermarkets, because the vast majority of people are in their work and work diligence. So that the establishments do not have a few days of “low sales”, they usually do some promotions during the week and thus attract the exhausted clients after a day of work. Fridays are also a good day, because they arrive at supermarkets and chain stores, a large amount of merchandise, but this day there are usually many people already. On Saturdays there is even more assortment of merchandise, but likewise there is quite a lot of people buying and in demand, sometimes they tend to raise prices for the weekend. On Sundays there is a good assortment and fewer people than Saturdays.


You have to buy the best possible, of excellent quality, since it is healthier, it lasts longer and you can make some delicious and beautiful menus, that is to say very appetizing. There must be a bit of everything … Of everything that is consumed and enjoyed in every home of course! And taking advantage of the foods that are in harvest.


It is advisable not to buy the market daily for the following reasons:

  • Time is unnecessarily spent on the same activity every day.
  • It is more profitable to buy more quantity of food and distribute it better.
  • You can have more creativity for the menus and more variety in the preparations.
  • The optimum is spent on each portion and no more than necessary. Of course, it also depends on the appetite of each person.

For example: An average portion of lean meat should weigh approximately 125 grams. If you buy a pound a day for 3 people and spend it all on a meal, you would be consuming a portion more per day on the pretext of … “There is a piece that is not enough for another meal.” But if we know, that 1 ½ pounds reach for 6 portions of average size (125 gr.) That is to say that with ½ pound more, it would reach for 2 days, and a portion of meat would be saved daily. In this way, it would have a significant influence on the family economy. Also avoid buying too much … NOT BECAUSE IT IS IN PROMOTION, you have to buy too much, unless you have a good budget or a permanent consumption of those products, only then, you have to “take this opportunity”. It is recommended to buy what is really going to be consumed in a certain time, that is, if the weekly, biweekly or monthly market is made, as it is provided more and according to the space available for home storage.


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