How to keep fresh salmon longer

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SALMON is a sea fish or saltwater and icy, although it can be found in some rivers in Europe, Japan and Alaska. In Norway, Ireland and Scotland reach up to 100 kg of weight. There are also in Chile.

There are also other varieties in the Pacific, such as The Hunchback (pink) and the silver.

The salmon gets all year round.

Presentations: in fillets and slices. Fresh, it’s more expensive. Frozen, it’s cheaper. Smoked and salted.


It must have a gentle smell of sea. Its flesh is firm, moist and elastic to the touch (that when pressed and released immediately recover its shape and that it is not sunk). That its color is intense and its skin shiny.

Fillets must be coarse and even.

Frozen, it must be very hard, soft smell and vivid color. There are some of paler color, this because of the food they consumed.

The salmon eggs, is the so-called “Red Caviar”, a little salty.

Smoking to firewood can be frozen and usually comes from Alaska. Canned foods are also made.

The salty, must be certified with the annotation, “Salado with dry salts”, synonymous of quality.

If you buy the fish either frozen or not, you have to be careful not to lose the “cold chain”, which is why you must buy at the last moment before leaving the supermarket and if possible place it in a thermal bag for transport. When you get to your destination put it in the freezer.


In the market it is in different cuts: fillets, for baking, grilling and for raw preparations such as sushi or finely cut and marinated), medallions, slices cut to the width of salmon (transverse or vertical cut), for cooking in stews, and Back.

This delicious fish is highly desired in the world cuisine for its versatility to prepare it (cooked, grillage, grilled, baked, stewed, raw (sushi), with dressings or sauces and the reddish color so attractive that the Atlantic has, is very nice to the View.

Store Salmon:

There are many ways to keep salmon fresh and preserve its flavor and texture. Some of the most common methods include freezing, curing, smoking, and canning. Here is a brief overview of each method:


Freezing salmon

One of the most popular and convenient ways to preserve salmon is by freezing it. Fresh salmon can be wrapped tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and placed in a freezer-safe bag or container. To thaw frozen salmon, place it in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight, or run it under cold water until it is thawed.


Curing salmon

Another way to preserve salmon is by curing it with salt and/or sugar. This method can be done with either fresh or frozen salmon, and it helps to prevent the growth of bacteria while also adding flavor to the fish. To cure salmon, mix together a curing mixture of salt and sugar (and any other desired spices or herbs) and coat the salmon evenly. Place the salmon in a container, cover it, and refrigerate it for at least 24 hours.


Smoking salmon

Smoking is a traditional method of preserving salmon that has been used for centuries. To smoke salmon, the fish is first cured in a mixture of salt, sugar, and other spices, then hung in a smokehouse to dry and absorb the smoky flavor. Smoking can be done with either hot or cold smoke, depending on the desired flavor and texture.


Canning salmon

Canning is a method of preserving salmon that involves cooking the fish in a jar with a small amount of oil or broth, then sealing the jar and heating it to a high temperature to kill any bacteria. Canning is a good way to preserve salmon for long periods of time, but it can also change the texture and flavor of the fish.

In addition to these methods, there are also several other ways to preserve and keep salmon fresh, such as pickling, drying, and fermenting. No matter which method you choose, it is important to handle salmon carefully and store it properly to prevent spoilage and ensure that it stays fresh and flavorful.

Preserve salmon:

Freeze.       Cool.


Four months.       2 days approx.


If you want the fillets to retain their shape, do not remove the skin when cooking.


Do not freeze partially frozen salmon, because it has already been thawed. It should be consumed as soon as possible. Or freeze the cooked salmon because it alters its flavor and texture.

You must buy at the last moment to leave the supermarket to not interrupt the “cold chain” and when you get home put it immediately in the refrigerator or freezer.

Fish or any other food should be handled with clean hands and utensils.

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