Purchase: Eggs that are usually used for human consumption are: quail, hen, duck, Rhea and Ostrich, among others. (see each one). The egg has great nutrient content. It is a…

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Duck eggs

Storing duck eggs: They can be stored at room temperature (12 °c-18 °c) in cold weather and if possible place them in a container with a bottom adapted with egg cardboard, plac ing them in a vertical position and with the tip facing Down.

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Ostrich Eggs

Purchase: Ostrich eggs, (bird eggs). They're Big-sized. It is estimated that a hen egg is the veinticuatroava part of an ostrich approximately. Freshness: When you buy them make sure they…

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Quail Eggs

Purchase: Quail eggs, (bird eggs). They are small and marbled or stained, beige and coffee. Keep Refrigerating. Freshness: When you buy them make sure they are in good condition, without…

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