Ricotta cheese

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Ricotta cheese


Ricotta cheese, Curd, ricotta or whey cheese is a dairy that is obtained from the fermentation of whey from other soft cheeses. It is white, grainy texture, soft and creamy. It can be from cow’s milk whey the most common, and there are also goats, sheep and even buffalo.

It is very important in Italian cuisine and is used both in salted recipes, as a filling for pasta (ravioli, Caneloni, etc.) and for Desserts (cassata). In the Mexican, for quesadillas, Chubbys and tacos. South America for Ricotta tart. Argentina and Uruguay is called ricotta, since ricotta is given the name to a spread cheese, which is exported to Mexico and Brazil.

Freshness of ricotta cheese:

When you go to buy the product to the supermarket you will have to consider.

  • Observe that the refrigerator where the product is being exhibited is operating properly (which is cooling).
  • The expiration date of the product or its expiration time, which is not covered, altered, or Retreaded. Choose the product with date as far as Possible.
  • Check packaging, which is in optimal condition, not immersed, damaged or Beaten. Neither with broken or discarded labels.
  • Check that the gasket is not inflated (blown), because this indicates that the product is already decomposing.
  • Buy the product, at the end of the market, so that the “cold chain” is not interrupted.


Only as a filling for canapés and other cold snacks. It is used in the elaboration of desserts, frying and confectionery in general.

Cheese Knives

Storing ricotta cheese:

Ricotta cheese is a very short product of very perishable useful life, which is why it is convenient to consume it soon. Keep refrigerated at approximately 4 degrees Celsius (top of the refrigerator). You can also freeze. To defrost, pass it to the refrigerator in time to defrost slowly.

Keep dairy products away from meat, fish, vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator to avoid “cross-contamination”.

Its refrigerated life, approximately 4-7 days. Frozen, approximately 2 months, and depending on its freshness at the time of its freezing. It also depends on the time on the expiration or expiration date of the product and the storage of both the distributor and the consumer.

It must be remembered that the “useful life” time of the product depends on its freshness at the time of purchase and its subsequent storage and conservation.


Frozen. Refrigerated.


Two months. 4-7 days.


Do not defrost at room temperature, but in the freezer, place it in the refrigerator for further consumption.

It should be remembered that the useful life of the product depends on the freshness at the time of its purchase and its subsequent storage and conservation.

Periodically check the status of the product to be able to consume it in time.

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