DUTCH CHEESE, it is a yellow cheese of Dutch origin, so called by the city of Gouda (Holland). It is made from pasteurized cow’s milk, processed and reheated and aged for two weeks before it is ready for consumption.

Features: It is a semi-hard cheese.

Cylindrical shape and rounded or concave sides.

Height varies between ¼ or 1/3 of diameter and a weight of 2.5 to 3.0 kg.

Wax crust of a plastic suspension or vegetable oil film (yellow). There are also in blocks of a weight of 2.5 to 5.0 kg. That might or may not have crust.

Soft, lightly sweet and nutty taste.

Soft texture, fat.

Pasta is firm and cut easily, cream-yellow.

He has irregular eyes.

It should be consumed after five weeks of maturation, to appreciate its characteristics.

The export cheeses, aged 1-6 months, are yellow and red wax or paraffin cover. The local Gouda is aged 12-18 months with black crust and orange-or yellow-colored pasta. Others are smoked Gouda and mini Gouda weighing from 180 gr to 1 ½ kg.

The crusts are in order to prolong their useful life and will be the color of the ingredients that will give you the flavor.

Shaft: Green bark, for the fine herbs.

Orange Color for cumin.

Gouda cheese has high nutritional value, rich in protein and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, among others.

When you go to buy the product to the supermarket you should take into account,

  • Observe that the refrigerator where the product is being exhibited is operating properly (which is cooling).
  • Observe the expiration date of the product or its expiration, which is not covered, altered, or retreaded. Choose the product with date as far as Possible.
  • Check the packaging, which is in optimal condition, not in a pinched, damaged or beaten position. Neither with broken or discarded labels.
  • Check that the gasket is not inflated (blown), because this indicates that the product is already decomposing.
  • Buy the product at the end of the market, so that the cold chain is not interrupted.


It is recommended to consume in pregnant women and for every person at all times. It is used for, snacks or snacks and for salads, in dice or slices or slices.

Grated for roasted potatoes, creams, soups, or gratin dishes.

And for the most aged cheese tables.

It comes in different presentations: in block (rectangular), round and in slices or slices.


Gouda cheese is refrigerated at a temperature of 5 °c (centigrade or Celsius), in its packaging or covered in airtight container.



Refrigerated, approximately 1 month.

Keep dairy products away from meat, fish, vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator to avoid “cross-contamination”.

It must be remembered that the “shelf life” of the product depends on the state at the time of purchase and its subsequent storage and maintenance.




1 month aprox.


-The cheese the less portioning it is, lasts longer because it has less surface exposed to the air.

-Remove the refrigerator for a minimum of 30 minutes before serving, because at room temperature the organoleptic qualities (flavour, texture, aroma and colour) are best appreciated.

-If a piece of mature cheese develops mold, you must cut the piece with mold with half an inch (1.5 cm) more around, and eat the cheese as soon as possible.


Periodically check the status of the product to be able to consume it in time.