
Dairy Purchase:

Within the dairy group we find: milk of animal origin containing lactose (milk sugar), and its derivatives as: cheeses, butter, kumis, Yogurt and beverages with milk, among Others. There are beverages and cheeses of vegetable origin such as soybeans, almonds, walnuts, rice and oats, among others, that are included in this group, so that they do not contain lactose, only because of their milky appearance.

It has to be taken into account for the purchase of dairy Products:

  • Note that the refrigerator on which the product is being displayed is operating properly, i.e. it is cooling either for refrigeration or freezing.
  • Review the expiration or expiration date of the product, which is in force and as far as possible choose the one furthest from its fulfillment.

See that they have not adulterated, covered or blurred.

  • Check that the gaskets are in perfect condition, not broken or their impressions blurred.

That are not inflated, because all this proves that the product is not fresh and is more, may already be in decay.

  • Dairy products should be purchased at the end of the market, after the food pantry, with fruits and vegetables, and before meat, so that they are as short as possible without refrigerating and not interrupting the “cold chain” of the Product.
  • Refrigerate immediately upon reaching its Destination.

(see more tips and characteristics of freshness or dairy status at the time of purchase, in each ONE.


Dairy products should be included in any balanced diet, due to their high nutritional value. (see specific uses for each product).


(see specific storage for each product).


(see Tips on each dairy).

Nutrients and Properties:

The nutritional information on this and other foods has been obtained from various sources and may not be accurate, for this reason you have to consult with the doctor, before beginning to ingest any prohibited or unusual food within the diet, or to make Dietary Changes. Dairy products are milk and food derived from this, which are characterized by containing similar nutritional principles and which provide great health benefits. The milk of animal origin, can be of cow, buffalo, goat or sheep, among others and its derivatives like kumis, yogurt, cream of milk and cheeses, among many More. It is advisable to know about the nutrients that contribute to the consumption of dairy, to the human Organism.

  • They provide important amounts of protein, vitamins and Minerals.
  • Rich in calcium, they increase bone mass in the growth of children and adolescents and help reduce bone loss of adults.
  • Studies suggest that if we consume 3 daily portions of Calcium-rich dairy products, It can help maintain a healthy weight.

When you include on a low-calorie diet, you can increase weight loss and body fat.

  • Reduce the risk of stroke. 
  • Research has also shown that dietary incorporation a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, which includes 3 daily portions of dairy foods, is an effective way to lower blood pressure. 
  • Dairy helps control the concentration of bad cholesterol in the Blood.
  • Prevent the emergence of cardiovascular Diseases.

Fresh Cheeses.

They strengthen the bones thanks to their contribution in calcium, vitamin A and D. it helps to control body weight, because calcium and hormonal substances that contain such as Exorfinas help to control anxiety and Appetite. They regulate arterial hypertension as they are usually low-sodium foods. Cheese can help reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Mature cheeses

In case of high blood pressure, avoid them. Excluding milk and its derivatives from the food diet, without the advice of a professional (nutritionist), you run the risk of having deficiencies in proteins, vitamins and Minerals. Mainly in the case of children, which severely affects their physical and mental development.  International bodies such as FAO and UNESCO Recomindan milk as an indispensable food for human nutrition, especially for Children. Nutritional principles of dairy products for every 100 Grs of Food. Proteins: between 3 to 35 Gr.


(Essential amino acids), essential for the functioning of the organism. They are essential for cell development. It is found in meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and some vegetables such as legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils), among Others. Carbohydrates: between 5 to 50 gr. Fats: between 1 to 25 Gr. Minerals (if It is a fortified dairy).



It constitutes 50% of the minerals present in the human Body. Prevents Bleeding. It helps keep your heartbeat constant. For the maintenance and development of bones, fingernails and Teeth. Helps in blood clotting and good muscle functioning.


It develops the cells of the muscles and the red blood Cells. It’s Basic for Muscle Tissue. For the formation of Glycogen. Avoids muscle Fatigue.


It is the main component of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, for that reason is fundamental for the formation of These. They help build blood cells. It creates resistance against Fatigue. It helps to avoid ANEMIA.


Vitamin A.

It is important for the normal growth of the human body (children and adolescents). Protects the surface of the respiratory tract (throat and Bronchi. Eye and Skin Protection. It stimulates appetite and is good for Digestion. Protects against Infections.

Vitamin D.

For the formation of strong bones and Teeth. Regulates Metabolism. Support for phosphorus and calcium absorption.

Vitamin C

or ascorbic Acid. (Water-soluble vitamin). It should be consumed daily because the body cannot store it. Strengthens the immune System. Help in tissue repair (connective). contributes to the formation of Collagen. It maintains the strength of the blood vessels and increases the resistance to Infections. Useful for healing WOUNDS.

Vitamin A.

It’s important for normal growth. Protects the surface of the respiratory tract, throat, bronchial tubes, eyes and Skin. It helps to resist infections. It stimulates appetite and is good for Digestion. Taking into account the nutrients that are contained in dairy products, it is possible to determine the beneficial properties of These. The calcium it contains regulates heartburn. Mature cheeses contain calcium but also a lot of fat that can irritate the mucosa of the Stomach. It is advisable to consume fresh (white) cheeses that are also rich in calcium and with little fat Content.

Balanced Diet.

It should be remembered that for a balanced diet, food should be consumed from the 5 groups:

  • Proteins: essential amino acids are essential for cell development.

It is found in meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and some vegetables such as legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils) among others.

  • Carbohydrates (carbohydrates): They provide energy to the organism, such as food fibre and sugars.

They are found in vegetables such as wheat, potato, plantain and some fruits, among others.

  • Lipids: Animal and vegetable fats.
  • Vitamins: substances essential for the proper functioning of the human Organism.

They are found in fruits and vegetables and in the vast majority of food.

  • Minerals: fruits and vegetables and in the vast majority of food.

then, any balanced diet must contain: meats, legumes, fruits, vegetables, eggs, cereals, Dairy and fats (vegetable or animal). A great medical friend advises, that for the average amount of food to be consumed, can be taken as reference (approximate), the hands of the same person to calculate his portion of food for food as well:-protein: the size of the palm of your hand. -carbohydrate: what could contain in the fist of This. -vegetables and/or fruits: the 2 hands together and Extended. And ideally, there would always be a protein, a carbohydrate and a fruit and/or vegetable, in each of the 3 main daily meals: breakfast, lunch and Dinner.


-remember that the useful “life” of the product depends on its freshness at the time of purchase, the date (approximate) of maturity and its subsequent storage and Conservation. -Always handle with clean hands and utensils. -periodically check the condition of the product in order to be able to consume it in time.